How To Protect Your Baby's Teeth During Pregnancy? - Women Updates

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How To Protect Your Baby's Teeth During Pregnancy?

How To Protect Your Baby's Teeth During Pregnancy?

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The well-being of your baby's teeth is often ignored until they first start erupting at around the age of 6 months. But did you know that your baby's first set of teeth, also called the primary teeth, are already present beneath those cute gums? It is true! The primary teeth begin to form when the baby is 6 weeks old in the womb. The teeth are then covered with calcium and other hard substances in a process called mineralization. Two layers are formed over the pulp of the teeth called the dentin and the outer layer called the enamel. All of this happens when the mother is in her 3rd or 4th trimester of pregnancy.

Being aware of the things that can affect your baby's teeth can help you immensely to make sure that your baby has a confident and beautiful smile all his life. Today, we shall talk about the things that can affect your baby during pregnancy. Read on for more information. A Good Diet Is The Right Way To Have A Healthy Pregnancy Make Sure That You Take Care Of Your Teeth Too Drink A Lot Of Water Consume Folic Acid Avoid Antibiotics A Good Diet Is The Right Way To Have A Healthy Pregnancy A good diet is very important for the overall development of your baby while you are pregnant. Your baby's teeth are no exception to this. Eating right makes sure that your baby has strong teeth that last a life-time. 

  •  Proteins Protein is one of the major constituents of a human body. It is what causes the constant maintenance and repair of the body's cells and tissues. All proteins are basically amino acids, some of which have to be obtained from the diet. When it comes to teeth, did you know that it is the work of a protein that causes the creation of the enamel? Eat a lot of meat to help the proper growth of the teeth in your baby. If you are vegetarian, try milk products, lentils, legumes and other protein-rich foods. 
  •  Calcium Teeth are basically all calcium. If you do not eat enough calcium when pregnant, the body will provide your baby with all the calcium it needs by taking it from your teeth and bones. This can be devastating for your body. It is important to supplement your diet using calcium-rich foods like dairy products, broccoli, and eggs. 
  •  Phosphorus Without appropriate levels of phosphorus, your baby's teeth will become very brittle. Luckily, it can be found in a lot of food sources that include meat, cereals and milk products. 
  •  Vitamin D Vitamin D is very important for the proper growth of a baby. Without it, no matter how much calcium and phosphorus you consume, it will not be absorbed into the body. The good news is that our body produces Vitamin D by itself on the exposure to the sun. But if you avoid going into the sun due to wrong beliefs like your baby will become dark by going out in the sun, you will be deprived of Vitamin D. If you are found to have a Vitamin D deficiency, your doctor may prescribe you pills. Make Sure That You Take Care Of Your Teeth Too Did you know that if you have a tooth decay, chances that your baby may have it can increase too? Be sure to snack healthy during your pregnancy. Do not consume things that are sticky or too sweet. Brush your teeth regularly too, to prevent the formation of caries. When a baby is born, his/her mouth does not contain any germs. It is when a mother first kisses a baby that caries forming germs first enter the baby's mouth. If you keep your mouth free of caries, your chances of transferring harmful bacteria to your baby will be less. Drink A Lot Of Water Water is very important for your baby's growth. The same goes for your baby's teeth. If you consume water that contains fluoride, it will be the best for the oral health of your baby. Make sure that you talk to the doctor about the accepted levels of fluoride that can be ingested during pregnancy as too much can be harmful. Consume Folic Acid Folic acid prevents the formation of birth defects in your baby's oral cavity. Consuming tablets of folic acid as prescribed by your doctor will be helpful. Avoid Antibiotics Consumption of too many antibiotics or a large dosage of antibiotics during pregnancy is known to cause abnormalities in the baby's teeth. Do not consume antibiotics unnecessarily and without the consent and prescription of your doctor.

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